Thursday, March 24, 2022

Uncanny Predictions of Ukraine war by Russian MP Nevzorov made in 2021 depicts what is happening now in Ukraine! - Video

I still can't believe this was made a year ago, Nevzorov describes the Russian military to be a fantasy military which is disconnected from reality.

All the military excercises were just meant for propaganda he says most valuabale generals in the Russian military are no more there.

It has no strategy they are poorly equipped riddled with corruption and most of all they don't know how to wage a war properply.

He describes what would happen if Russia attacked Ukraine and guess what he's spot on, he predicts everything what we are seeing today.

According to him at the end Putin will be ousted by anti war protest and it doesn't end well for him.

Saturday, March 19, 2022

Antarctica is on fire massive temperature anomaly engulfs half of the continent! 19 march 2022

Yesterday I noticed that Antarctica has been engulfed by a massive positive temperature anomaly.

I checked the stratosphere but couldn't find anything, my best guess is a volcano named Mt Erebus is at the origin of this heat wave. 

The jet stream (250 mb) enters Antarctica at that location but I wonder is it the cause or effect? Searched for real time data of Mt Erebus but couldn't find any so I'm in the dark about that. 

I would love to hear some comments about this extraordinary weather event. Feel free to share links about Mt Erebus: like I said I couldn't find any real time data using google...

In the video I forgot to mention the possibility of methane release, this is also a plausible explanation to this extraordinary event.


Philosophical quote: 

Books are pleasant but if by being over studious we impair our health and spoil our good humour, two of the best things we have, let us give it over. I, for my part, am one of those who think no fruit drived from them can recompense so great a loss.

Thursday, March 17, 2022

Polar vortex likely to split in the coming days - 7.3 magnitude quake struck Japan 17 March 2022

Hi everyone, 

A powerful earthquake magnitude 7.3 struck the coast of Japan at a depth of 63 km. 

There is no danger of a Tsunamie however. Damage to buildings along the coast in the affected area is to be expected. 

Weather update: the Polar Vortex remains over Russia and it is likely to split in the coming days which could have blocked weather patterns and temperature anomalies as a result.

Floods, droughts, temperature extremes, etc are to be expected if the Polar Vortex splits in 2. 


Quote of the day: A swan is out of place among crows, a lion among bulls, a horse among asses, and a wise man among fools.

Friday, March 4, 2022

Ukraine war with Russia: World War 3 European Predictions - Russia will become the scourge of all nations!

The war in Ukraine is raging neither Zelenski or Putin seem to be backing off although they hint about talks but that remains to be seen.

I firmly believe that Russia will attack the West one day this will be done with exotic weapons not per se with convential weapons because in this domain Nato is superior to them.

Many famous mediums of the past all agree on one thing: Russia will attack the West one day and it will be the deadliest war ever but also the shortest ever.

This means weapons of mass destruction will be used and by that I don't mean only nuclear weapons.

We could see weapons that will destroy the earth itself like ionospheric disruptors or earthquake inducers (electromagnetic pulse), gravity boms etc.

These famous mediums hint about the West becoming complacent after pact dissolutions by Russia, we can therefore assume that Russia will disarm and feign compliance with the West at some point perhaps this will happen after the war with Ukraine since Russsia will be punished for that by the international community at some point.

With this post I want to warn but not scare the reader because I believe WW3 will happen decades from now in the future.

The predictions that I will post depict a world where people have gone mad where there is no more distinction between poor and rich, a world devoid of any morals. This will also be a time of general discontempt about religion.

I believe this has yet to happen.

Anyway here are the predictions in question:

Link to original Source: WW3 Prophecies

Korkowski 1983:

"Don't be fooled, the eastern bloc will feign peaceful compliance: with the opening and shifting of borders, with pact dissolutions or pretended suggestions of neutrality. Then, when you are factored out of Western protection, they will attack you just like unprotected game."

Lucia, the last living seer from Fatima, 7 April 1990 (Fatima was 1917):

"The events taking place in Europe are a deception. Russia will be the scourge for all nations, because it was not converted. Russia attacks the West, and China invades in Asia."

Egger Gilge, Austria (1663-1735):

"One day the red-skirted will come and then it will be terrible."

Alois Irlmaier, Bavaria 1950:

"The Russians do not stop anywhere while running in their three wedges. Day and night they run in order to reach the Ruhr district, where the many furnaces and chimneys are...."

"It will be after the confusions in the balkans."